
There will be a meeting of all the Office bearers of each Alumni Association along with their Jesuit Director on Sunday 11 August 2019 at St Joseph’s Boys’ School Auditorium from 9.00 am till 1.00 pm.

All the Jesuit Directors kindly persuade the Office Bearers of your Associations to attend this meeting without fail. If you do not have an active association, identify a few alumni who can be the fire that ignites other fires and bring them to this gathering.

This gathering is known as JAAIKAR (Jesuit Alumni Associations In Karnataka). If the Directors are able to accompany the office bearers to this meeting, it will be a great encouragement to the Alumni Associations.

Kindly let us know the persons who will be attending this meeting along with the contact details by Monday 5 August 2019.

Article Files: 

As part of the 5th centenary of the conversion of Ignatius of Loyola, our tenth congress will be held in Barcelona from 13 to 17 July 2022.

It will take place at the Jesuïtes Sarrià-Sant Ignasi school, located at Carrer Carrasco i Formiguera, number 32, 08017 Barcelona.

A meeting aimed at all Alumni around the world and the Ignatian Community where we can raise awareness of the potential we have as a global network, and promote a shared mission to make a greater contribution to building a more just and sustainable society.

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We invite you and your family to come back to school on 5th January 2019 (Saturday) from 7.30pm onward for an evening of fun and nostalgia. Meet your Batchmates, Teachers and Ex-Principals.

Music by "The Watts", Masti by The Boys along with Mouth Watering Food.

Please spread the word and Forward this email to your batchmates


St. Stanislaus High School, School Back Ground
Date: 5th January 2019 (Saturday)
Time: 7:30pm onwards



Campion School Old Boys' Association (C'OBA) and "Navankur" Music Group Present

Musical Night: "Ek Sham Rafi Ke Naam"

Date :31st July 2018, Tuesday

Time : 7pm Sharp

Venue : Campion School Arera Colony Auditorium. All Are Co-ordially Invited.



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