Father Cosgrove Cup 13 th edition… Xavier’s alumnni jaipur golfing association.. around 75 participants … All day golf.. brunch.. followed by prize distribution and cocktail dinner on 15 th dec 2024
Father Cosgrove Cup 13 th edition… Xavier’s alumnni jaipur golfing association.. around 75 participants … All day golf.. brunch.. followed by prize distribution and cocktail dinner on 15 th dec 2024
Some photos of cricket and throw ball tournaments as well as running and walking races
St Vincent's entered a hockey team after more than 20yrs.....their under 12 team here was runners up. VIP guests Provincial Fr Agnelo Mascarenhas, Loyola Principal Fr Nelton,Hockey Maharashtra Chief Manoj Bhore
St Vincent's Hockey coach's efforts being recognized by Hockey Maharashtra
The St.Xavier’s High School Loyola Hall ( Primary Section ) had their 90th Sports Day on Sunday, December 8th.
APX led the March -Past and also partook in the 100 meters sprint and Cycle Race.
It was a fulfilling Sunday morning with all stakeholders and collaborators present, Management, Staff, Students, Alumni/ae, Parents and Benefactors all coming together and celebrating unity, harmony & inclusiveness via the most binding platform, SPORTS.
The Chief Guest Justice Mr. Niral Mehta, High Court of Gujarat was also an alumnus making it so much more meaningful - Team APX
54th Annual Sport Day was celebrated Today with great enthusiasm & Texas took part in March Past along with PTA members as one of contigent, As a respect & love, Texas gifted Caps to each of school staff members.
54th Annual Sport Day was celebrated Today with great enthusiasm & Texas took part in March Past along with PTA members as one of contigent, As a respect & love, Texas gifted Caps to each of school staff members.
It was the 90th Sports Day of St. Xavier’s High School Loyola Hall, on Sunday 1 Dec.
APX ( Association of Past Xavierites ) partook in the March-Past, Cycle Race, 100 mts sprint and Tug-Of-War.
Sport shapes the mindset, drives positive lifestyle choices, and inspires us to push harder, aim higher, and reach further.
WUJA Global Council Member Dr. Devendra Singh Inaugurating the Voluntary Whole Blood Donation Camp at Ranchi at 11.00 am on Monday, 25th November 2024, in support of Thalassemia Patients of Ranchi District. This Camp has been organized by "SEWA" The Old Students' Association of St. John's High School, Ranchi, India.
Also seen in the picture are Rev. Fr. Ignatius Lakra SJ, the Alumni Co-ordinator of Ranchi Jesuit Province, Mr. Awadhesh Rai, Er. G.V.K. Sastry and Dr. Bhagat.
The donor students seen here are just 18 years old. They are donating whole blood for the first time in their lives. An early indoctrination to this service helps us create life-time blood donors.
Most of these children are also enrolled with the Indian National Cadet Corps, which is the nursery for future officers of the Indian Army, Indian Navy and Indian Air Force !
St. Xavier's School, Sahibganj successfully organised the 3rd Fr. Steno Memorial Exhibition (Arts & Science) over the past two days.
The closing ceremony was graced by Mr. Maheep Sahni, a Youth Representative of the World Union of Jesuit Alumni (WUJA), as a special guest.
Maheep expressed great enthusiasm while observing the models, creativity, and team spirit showcased by the juniors. Occasions like this strengthen the bond of Jesuit fraternity.
Maheep Sahni, Aditya Raj Kumar Thakur & Amit Mishra represents India in WUJA Youth.
A joint effort of JARP, Agadbodh and Spring Vision.
A free eye check-up camp was organised at St. John's School, Karbala Tank Road, Ranchi.The camp was organized with the joint efforts of Agadbodh and Spring Vision, supported by Jesuit Alumni Association of Ranchi Province (JARP) and St. John's Ex-Boys Welfare Association (SEWA).
In this camp, free spectacles were also distributed to the children who felt the need of spectacles along with the testing camp. This is a unique effort that will help in the education of school children.
Madhukar Jain of Spring Vision, Fr Ignatius Lakra, Rector of St. John's School, Shri Jasbir Khurana from St. John's Ex-Boys Welfare Association (SEWA), Shri Himalay from Jesuit Alumni Association of Ranchi Province (JARP) and others were present on the occasion. About 400 children underwent eye check-up and spectacles were distributed at the camp.