SOXA, St Xavier's School, Sahibganj, and Loyola Alumni Association (LAA), Jamshedpur, organized a medical check up camp for displaced and flood affected families in town areas, namely Church Road and Gulli Bhatta, and poor families in 3 small, still flooded island villages in Rampur Diara, which is opposite the St. Xavier’s School campus.

St. Xavier’s embarked on the timely mission of ensuring that the flood affected people of Sahibganj who were displaced from their homes, got a meal.

Next they sent out a message for medical aid to which the Loyola Alumni Association responded.


Rev Fr Ravi John SJ, the National Advisor for Jesuit Alumni & JEA Secretary S-E Asia, at St Xavier’s High School Loyola Hall Ahmedabad.

He had fulfilling & productive interaction with the management including Fr Xavier Amalraj ( Principal, APX & JAAG chairman as also PCA for Gujarat Province ) , staff, students & APX members. Also present was JAAI Vice President Bhaumik Thakar ( JAAI GC representative from Gujarat ) who is alum of both St Xavier’s School Gandhinagar & St Xavier’s College Ahmedabad.

Fr Ravi John was briefed about the various alumni activities and he gave his inputs & expressed great joy and satisfaction with the vibrant JAAG model & associations as well as individual efforts.


Doranda Old Xaverians along with St. Xavier's School Doranda Organized a Blood Donation camp on 26th August 2021.

We are happy to share that we collected 28 units for the Thalassemia Day care center at Sadar Hospital, Ranchi. We would like to Thank Mr. Atul Gera, DOX 1997 and Team Lifesavers for the constant support in the DOX Blood donation camps.

We would like to acknowledge the support of Father Sanjay Kerketta, Father Ignatious, Father Fuldeo Soreng, Ashish Budhia, Vishal Patodia, Abhay Sagar Minz, Sanjay Patel, Arnab Bhattacharaya , Pratyush Jha and all the DOX Members & Donors who came forward for the camp today.


Th committee of Loyola High School Alumni Association (LESA) 2019-21 had approved a project to improve and digitalise our school labs .Covid induced time delays sadly delayed this project .
Towards the end of the committee's tenure one of LESA's  wellwisher Mr. Leo Pereira from L& L builders ( who has always helped LESA in it's projects) helped us to fulfill our vision to modernise and upgrade the science laboratory and meet high standards.

We had a meeting with Fr Jimmy and decided that the labs had an urgent need for

  • 10 microscopes.
  • 1 high end microscope for the teachers who could update their Pcs / laptops with data .
  • 3 desk top computers with UPs

Mr. Leo Pereira volunteered to sponsor those items. Today Mr Leo's son Mr. Ribeck Pereira handed over the items .

Our old commitee 2019-21 and present commitee 21-23 were present. Fr  Willy SJ graced the occasion and Fr Jimmy SJ presided over the event.


APX organised its second Covid vaccine drive on the school premises today. Recently a tree plantation drive and blood donation camp were also initiatives taken up and were a fulfilling experience with the support of management & parents.

APX has raised hands and lived upto the motto of ‘being a person for others’ and ‘to give and not count the cost’.



The annual APX blood donation drive was held for the 16th year in a row.

As always APX begins the new year along with the school academic year, with the AGM followed by the Blood donation drive. This noble cause is well supported by the management & staff, alumni, parents and benefactors.

We recently organised a Vaccination drive, and earlier celebrated the world environment day with a tree plantation and cleanliness drive on the campus.

Looking forward to a active year , #staysafe


APX ( Association of Past Xavierites, Alumni/ae association of St Xavier’s High School Loyola Hall Ahmd ) had its AGM today.

The Principal Fr Xavier Amalraj SJ who is also the APX & JAAG Chairman and the PCA for Gujarat Province was present as also Fr Lucas SJ, Superior & Manager of the Institute.

The AGM was hosted on the premises following COVID protocol and accounts and activities of the last year were shared, discussed & passed and the new team formed for the coming year.

APX has organised a blood donation drive on Saturday 10 July on the campus.


The pandemic has affected students greatly as all classroom learning have gone digital. After the online career guidance programme we conducted, and through some interactions with parents we noticed that many kids did not have dedicated devices for online study.

So naturally they fall behind in their studies as they simply cannot attend class. We requested Principal Sr. Arockia, along with class teachers to identify children based on their attendance in online class. They drew up a list of 21 children from classes V to X who needed the devices based on their online attendance pattern and economic status.

SSESA Secretary, Mr Vinay Pinto very happily sponsored brand new Lenovo and Samsung tab devices. We met all the kids 03 July 2021 through an interaction organised by Principal Sr. Arockia, and Vice Principal Felix and found all the kids were intelligent and eager to learn.


On June 12th, 2021, the St. Stanislaus Ex-Students Association (SSESA) & Vinay Pinto, Secretary SSESA organised a Career Guidance Programmes for Std. X students. The objective of the programme was to give the children an exposure to myriad real-life career options and show them the pathways to achieve success in each.

All the career talks were delivered by dynamic young ex-Stanislites who have demonstrated success in their field. The speakers were Brian Almeida on Marketing, Andrew Simoes on Human Resources, Dr. Ranjit Nair on Engineering & IT, Dr. Sailesh Advani on Medicine, Sumit Advani on Studying Abroad, Chef. Rohit D’Souza on Hospitality and Col. Asad Shaikh on a career in the Armed Forces. The programme was superbly moderated by Peter D’Souza.



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