The 87th Sports Day of the St. Xavier’s High School Loyola Hall Ahmedabad was held on Dec 21/22/23, the standards from KG -12 were divided into 3 and practice and heats were a feature of the past one week.

APX ( Association of Past Xavierites ) partook in the March-Past ( along with parents ) on all three days and a 100 mts dash & a 2 lap cycle race today, 23 Dec.

Maintaining the Covid protocols, the management most efficiently hosted the sports day & kudos to Fr Xavier Amalraj SJ ( Principal & APX/JAAG Chairman, PCA for Gujarat Province ) & ho team for making this happen.

A group of bike riders came by and enthralled the students & onlookers with a couple of laps of the ground & stressed about road safety and how it’s imperative that the same be maintained. A very apt msg & meaningful mrg it was.


JAAI Immediate Past President Dr. Devendra Singh honouring Dr. Shashi Tharoor M.P. with the JAAI-WUJA Lapel Pin today evening at St. Xavier's School Doranda, Ranchi's Auditorium.

Looking on is Immediate Past JAAI-Central Zone President Er. Shivendra Mohan Sharma.

Dr. Tharoor is an alumnus of St. Xavier's School, Park Steet Kolkata and Campion School Mumbai.

He recollected that he had come to SXD sometime in the 1970s to participate in an Inter-School Co-Curricular contest (elocution / extempore speech).

He answered some very interesting questions raised by the present students in an informal tete-a-tete.

His visit is a part of the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations of SXD which shall culminate with the Grand Alumni Meet to be held on 18-19 December 2021.


Last Sunday, a new Jesuit Alumni Association - Xavier's Alumni Association of Bettiah (XAAB) was formed and registered with JAAI under Patna Province. St. Xavier's Higher Secondary School, Bettiah had its first Alumni Meet on 14th November 2021.

More than 200 alumni/ae from different batches coming different part of the country assembled in school auditorium to form the alumni association. Fr. Joy Marrypuram SJ, the Rector of the School welcomed all the alumni to the campus and invited them to be associated with the institution. Fr. Richard D'Souza SJ, the Principal of the school appreciated the role of Alumni/ae in bringing name and fame for the institution and congratulated them for their success and achievements in their professional fields. He also informed that the school will be celebrating its Silver Jubilee in 2023 and invited all to be part of it.


St. Xavier's School Loyola Hall. APX & Loyola Parivar organized Aarti and Garba. It was a great event. Offline students not only came to learn but also to celebrate Navratri. Each day was allotted to particular class. Today being the last day we had  teachers' Garba. It was well organized. Prizes were distributed. Thanks to organizing committee. of course SOP was strictly observed.

It was awesome program amidst of Pandemic we are giving moral support in organizing events for parents, students and teachers. We have had nine wonderful days. The whole campus danced to its tune. The teachers and management did a good job.


We know, of all the things that mankind has, money holds an imperative place in this materialistic world. No one out there lends a penny without any motive. We suffered the same when our town, Sahibganj, was hit by floods. Thepandemic had already swallowed the lives of the bread winners of some families. Havingno work and nowhere to go, people had resorted to working anywhere to fill their stomachs, but who knew that they hadn't seen the worst yet. In the middle of August, the monsoon came in a deluge, wreaking havoc on people, killing those who were already close to death and oppressing the oppressed.

St.Xavier's School, Sahibganj, stands out as the epitome of love and care and has done a lot for the people during the Pandemic. We had thought of helping these people who were hit by the floods, but little did we realize thespectrum of tasks to be done to provide relief to the people.


SOXA, St Xavier's School, Sahibganj, and Loyola Alumni Association (LAA), Jamshedpur, organized a medical check up camp for displaced and flood affected families in town areas, namely Church Road and Gulli Bhatta, and poor families in 3 small, still flooded island villages in Rampur Diara, which is opposite the St. Xavier’s School campus.

St. Xavier’s embarked on the timely mission of ensuring that the flood affected people of Sahibganj who were displaced from their homes, got a meal.

Next they sent out a message for medical aid to which the Loyola Alumni Association responded.


Rev Fr Ravi John SJ, the National Advisor for Jesuit Alumni & JEA Secretary S-E Asia, at St Xavier’s High School Loyola Hall Ahmedabad.

He had fulfilling & productive interaction with the management including Fr Xavier Amalraj ( Principal, APX & JAAG chairman as also PCA for Gujarat Province ) , staff, students & APX members. Also present was JAAI Vice President Bhaumik Thakar ( JAAI GC representative from Gujarat ) who is alum of both St Xavier’s School Gandhinagar & St Xavier’s College Ahmedabad.

Fr Ravi John was briefed about the various alumni activities and he gave his inputs & expressed great joy and satisfaction with the vibrant JAAG model & associations as well as individual efforts.


Doranda Old Xaverians along with St. Xavier's School Doranda Organized a Blood Donation camp on 26th August 2021.

We are happy to share that we collected 28 units for the Thalassemia Day care center at Sadar Hospital, Ranchi. We would like to Thank Mr. Atul Gera, DOX 1997 and Team Lifesavers for the constant support in the DOX Blood donation camps.

We would like to acknowledge the support of Father Sanjay Kerketta, Father Ignatious, Father Fuldeo Soreng, Ashish Budhia, Vishal Patodia, Abhay Sagar Minz, Sanjay Patel, Arnab Bhattacharaya , Pratyush Jha and all the DOX Members & Donors who came forward for the camp today.



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