APX Football and Abolish Plastic Pledge (JAAG)

APX (Association of Past Xavierites , St Xavier’s High School Loyola Hall) played against the school team in the annual football match today morning on the school grounds. Witnessed by the students , management , staff and alumni the ‘young’ alumni team with an average age of 40 plus ( including a couple of them over 50 ) prevailed over the school team 1/0. The game consisted of two halves , 25 minutes each. This is a bonding exercise between the past and present , the bridge to a better today for a brighter tomorrow.
On the Occasion the JAAI Pledge to Abolish Single Use Plastic ( save environment and say no to plastic ) was taken by the Principal Fr Charles who is also APX Chairman and Gujarat PCA. This would be replicated again on teachers day and the students are preparing a mime on this subject as part of the pledge. Fr Charles has shown the way and APX is making efforts to get all stake holders and collaborators to be involved and act accordingly.