JAAI President Dr. Devendra Singh visited Goa from 12th to 15th April 2018.
Thanks to John Neelankavil (WUJA), Gerard Mascarenhas (Jt. Secretary JAAI) and Francisco Xavier Da’Costa (JAAI-WZ President) for taking a keen initiative and arranging the meeting with Loyola Ex-Students’ Association !
Present :
- Mr. Francisco Xavier DaCosta, President - JAAI West Zonal Council
- Mr. Robin Barrus, Member – JAAI West Zonal Council
- Mr. Elric Pareira, President - LESA
- Rev. Fr. Basil Vago SJ, Principal, Loyola High School Margao, Goa
- Rev. Fr. Simon deMelo SJ, Vice Principal, Loyola High School Margao, Goa
- Rev. Fr. Abraham Painunekal SJ
- Mr. Trevor Coutinho
- Mr. Emmanuel Furtando
- Mr. Savio Rodrigues
- Mr. Denzil Colaco
- Dr. Bernan Tabares
- Mr. Hercules Vas
- Dr. Devendra Singh, President – JAAI
A warm welcome was accorded to the President – JAAI and the President – JAAI WZC by the Principal and the Alumni Members of Loyola Ex-Students’ Association (LESA) upon arrival at the School Campus at about 4 pm on 13.04.2018. A Group Photo was taken below the Statue of the Patron Saint.
All present took a round of the School campus, especially to see the “Rain Water Harvesting Project installed and maintained by LESA. Storage Tanks with installed capacity of 40,000 Litres are used for feeding the Toilet Flushes and Gardening needs of water. (see pictures).
Senior most Alumni members remembered the earliest times, when the School had boarding facilities and they used to assemble at the School’s Chapel for prayers. (see picture).
The land for the School was donated by a reputed family of Margao, and the buildings were gradually added over the years, based on need. The School follows the Goa Education Board’s curriculum and examination system. Classes upto Senior Secondary level are held. The School presently runs with strength of around 2000 students. The "Hall of Fame" inside the Principal's Chamber boasts of numerous trophies, awards and accolades, only to make a thumping impression of the success stories, the all-round achievements and contributions of the ex-students. (see picture).
LESA is a Registered Society under the provisions of the Societies’ Registration Act 1860, and has a formally elected body of office bearers. Elections are held regularly. In the immediately preceding election, the “Old” Alumni volunteered to relinquish office and asked the “Younger” Alumni to take charge. A smooth and healthy transition indeed ! LESA has about 500 enrolled members, mostly stationed at Goa. Batch-wise chapters are also active. Their Executive Body meets once each month, while the General Body meets every quarter.
For social bonding, they have the LESA Picnic in the end of April each year, the Anniversary Celebrations of St. Ignatius of Loyola on 31st July each year, and Mega Christmas Celebrations on 18th December each year (gathering of 800+ guests).
LCD Projectors and Laptops have been provided by LESA in all classrooms. The CC-TV System is also installed jointly by LESA and Loyola High School.
LESA conducts “Teachers’ Training Programs” at the School each year with resource persons from the Alumni, as well as Guest Experts. Key subjects are : Use of Information Technology, Time Management, Stress Management.
For the students, LESA has a whole basket of programs : Quiz Competition, Public Speaking, Personality Development, Leadership Training, Prize Distribution for School’s Scholars, Skills for Adolescence, Sex Education for Classes 9 & 10 with ProLife’s International Faculty.
Career Guidance is an annual feature, along with a compulsory Aptitude Test for students for assessment of their inclination and likelihood career paths.
LESA conducts the “Fr. Castallino Basketball Tournament” each year.
For the society at large of Margao, LESA holds Blood Donation Camps, Canine Clubs, Orthopedic Osteoporosis Diagnosis Camps
The School welcomes and receives sizable grants, gifts and aids from Individual and Batch-wise ex-students too, who are not members of LESA.
LESA admits that they have continued and 100% support from the Principal and the management of the Alma !
JAAI President shared information about the JAAI National Programs, the new initiatives of JAAI and asked for their support in fulfillment of the national JAAI Objectives. He heartily congratulated LESA for its thoughtful and innovative programs and for the excellent networking initiatives.
LESA lamented that they were devoid of communications from JAAI and were not receiving information on the activities of other alumni associations. President insisted that they must visit the JAAI Website for the latest updates and national Alumni News. He also requested the WZ Council President to share information with LESA through the West Zone WhatsApp Group.
JAAI Lapel Pins were shared by the President with all present. A healthy bonding was created, which is likely to bear even more fruit in the years to come !