Jesuit Educationist passes away

Fr. Leslie Francis, SJ Joins the Jesuits in Heaven
Today 31st July is the Feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus. Its members are called Jesuits. I am one of them.
On this auspicious day of 31st July 2023 at 6.45 am at the Health Care, Xavier Residence, Alto Porvorim, Goa, Fr. Leslie Francis (10 .02.1931- 31.07.2023), decided to join St. Ignatius and his Jesuit colleagues in heaven. He was 92 years young and the senior most Jesuit of Goa Province. He chose the best day to depart this mother planet Earth. May our Heavenly Father bless him peace and rest.
Fr. Leslie held many responsible offices in the Society of Jesus. He was an intelligent, sharp minded person, good teacher, thinker, lover of sports, and soft spoken gentleman.
On the 02nd September 1981, the following ten Jesuits of then Goa-Pune Province , registered Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr as a society under the Societies Act 1860. They signed the document and submitted it to the Goa Government.
The 10 Jesuits were these: Frs. Leslie Almeida (Provincial), Moreno de Souza, Leslie Francis, Vasco do Rego, Antonio Pereira, Joaquim I. de Mello, Teotonio de Souza, George de Sá, Braz Faleiro, and Pratap Naik. Out of the above ten, nine have gone for their heavenly reward. Now I am left alone as the last member of the original group.
Kindly pray for all the Jesuits that they may continue the Mission of Jesus to love and serve all for the Greater Glory of God (Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam) with zeal and dedication as St. Ignatius did.
Pratap Naik SJ
Miramar, Goa
31st July 2023.
Deeply saddened by the passing away of Rev. Fr. Leslie Francis SJ. He we was my English teacher in Class X and XI.
He was a great teacher, kind, soft spoken, intelligent and a tall personality.
Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and May Perpetual Light Shine upon him and May his soul rest in eternal peace. Amen.
Emanuel FurtardoJAAI National Secretary