Prof.Edmund Frank researchs book on Rev. Fr.Jerome D’Souza SJ

Prof.Edmund Frank our Vice President of JAAI on his mission-visiting St. Joseph’s College, Tiruchirappali (Madurai province) to collect materials and photographs on the great Indian Jesuit Rev.Fr.Jerome D’Souza SJ one of the signatories to the constitution of India, and who was the Principal of St. Joseph’s College, Tiruchirapalli and Loyola College, Chennai. Seen in the photograph Prof Edmund Frank Vice President JAAI,CA.S.Chenthilkumar (President JAAI 2020-2023) and Dr. M. Dorairajan Librarian St. Joseph’s College Tiruchirappalli.
Photograph in front of the Fr. Jerome Centre for Information and Communication Technology (JCICT), St.Joseph’s College, Library, Tiruchirapalli.
Prof.Edmund Frank Vice-President JAAI and Dean of PGDBM St. Aloysius College(Autonomous) Mangalore on an interaction with the faculty of Joseph’s Institute of Management (JIM) Seen in the photograph Prof.Samanasu Professor of HRD JIM. Prof.Edmund Frank (Vice-President JAAI) and CA.S.Chenthilkumar (President JAAI 2020-2023)
Prof. Edmund Frank visiting St.Joseph’s College, Tiruchirapalli Alumni Association office. Seen in the photograph left to right. Prof.M.Arumairaj President of St.Joseph’s College Alumni Association, CA.S.Chenthilkumar (President of JAAI 2020-23) and Prof. Edmund Frank (Vice President of JAAI)
Prof. Edmund Frank visiting St.Joseph’s College Alumni Association in Tiruchrapalli along with CA.S.Chenthilkumar.
In intellectual exchange of information about Rev.Fr.Jerome D’Souza’s achievements by Prof.Edmund Frank and Prof.Dr.S.Benjamin Elango, former HOD of English St.Joseph’s College, Trichy who is the author of the book on Rajaji and his Ph.D thesis was on the literary works of Rajaji. Prof Benjamin shared the news about Rajaji the first Indian Governor General holding Rev.Fr.Jerome D’Souza in high esteem from the days when Rajaji was the premier of Madras Presidency and when Rev.Fr.Jerome D’Souza was the principal of Loyola College Chennai and this paved the way for Hon.Jawaharlal Nehru inviting Rev.Fr.Jerome D’Souza to be one of the signatories to the constitution of India. Prof Frank gave glimpse of Rev.Fr.Jerome D’Souza’s early education in St.Aloysius College Higher School Mangalore and later in St.Joseph’s College Tiruchirapalli. Seen in the photograph left to right,Prof.Edmund Frank, Er.P.K.Thiyagarajan, Mr.V.Ramasamy, S.Chenthilkumar, Prof.G.Ravindran and Prof.Dr.Benjamin Elango.
Prof.Edmund Frank handing over the copy of the JAAI Newsletter to Er.P.K.Thiyagarajan senior alumnus of St.Joseph’s College and St.Joseph’s Higher Secondary School,Trichy.Er.P.K.Thiyagarajan is the president of St.Joseph’s College Higher Secondary School Alumni Association and is also the all India President of Institution of Valuers (IOV)
Seen in the photograph from left to right. Mr.V.Ramasamy senior alumnus of St.Joseph’s College and St.Joseph’s Higher Secondary School,Trichy and retired teacher of St.Joseph’s College Higher Secondary School, Prof.Edmund, Er.P.K.Thiyagarajan S.Chenthilkumar and Prof.G.Ravindran (Retd Professor of English St.Joseph’s College, Trichy)