Reconstructive and Rehabilitative Plastic Surgery of Nooria an Afghan Refugee minor girl

The Reconstructive and Rehabilitative Plastic Surgery of Nooria (an Afghan Refugee minor girl) being collectively sponsored and supported by JAAI, JCSA, Jesuit Ranchi Province, Jesuit Alumnus and Jesuit Refugee Services.
I had written to you all earlier regarding our humble attempt to support and arrange for reconstructive and rehabilitative plastic surgery of NOORIA, an Afghan Refugee girl who smashed her lower jaw in an unfortunate accident.
I am happy to inform you all that with GOD's grace and good wishes from all, our efforts are now ready to bear fruit.
This case is going to be a unique example of International "SYNERJAAI"!
The request originated from Kabul, where Fr. Stan SJ works in close conjunction with the Indian High Commission in the Jesuit Refugee Services. This case of Nooria, after her unfortunate accident, was addressed at the local best hospitals of Kabul. They do not have any Plastic Surgeons in Afghanistan. Hence, they could only save her life, but could do nothing to help her chew, eat or swallow, in the absence of her lower jaw and most of her teeth !
Fr. Stan approached the Jesuit Council of South Asia (JCSA) at New Delhi from where Mr. Lourdes Baptista wrote to me. I took up the matter with Dr. Harvinder Singh Chhabra, a SXD Ranchi alumnus (Director of Indian Spinal Injury Centre, New Delhi) and Dr. Anant Sinha, an alumnus of St. Michael's School, Patna. Both agreed to adopt the child for treatment, but Dr. Anant Sinha's response was much faster and decisive.
Finally, after receiving reports on the latest medical conditions of Nooria, Dr. Anant Sinha, a celebrity Plastic Surgeon and Director of DevKamal Hospital Ranchi consented for medical adoption of the child.
Mr. Arun Kumar Singh , an alumnus of DeNobili School, Chandrapura, Bokaro shall sponsor the patient's therapeutic fooding throughout the period of treatment which , as per Dr. Anant Sinha, may extend as long as six months. She shall be needing specialized therapeutic food which should give her abundant energy and nutrition to cope up with multiple surgeries. Arun Singh is a caterer specializing in Hospital (therapeutic) Fooding Services.
Jesuit Refugee Services has, with help from the Indian High Commission at Kabul, obtained the Medical VISA for Nooria and her both parents. They are booked to fly to Delhi India on 14th September and to Ranchi on 16th September.
JCSA shall bear the cost of medical consumables and rehabilitative medication.
The Ranchi Provincial Superior Rev. Fr. Joseph Marianus Kujur SJ has arranged for the stay of the refugee family at the Jesuit Residence at Manresa House, Ranchi with fooding for the entire length of treatment.
The JAAI Central Zone President and Secretary shall provide logistic assistance and emergency support at Ranchi.
We hope that Nooria's treatment should commence from the coming Monday, 18th September 2017.
Let us all cheer this Collaborative SynerJAAI and appreciate the fact that inter-alia leveraging of resources and alumni skills can make wonders happen !
Let us all pray for the success of the medical procedures and for the "Get Well Soon of Nooria" !
A Big ThankYou to all who are contributing to this unique noble international synergy and cause of service.
Nooria and her parents from Kabul, Afghanistan, have reached Ranchi yesterday night by flight. They are accompanied by two Jesuit priests from Delhi.
DevKamal Hospital had the family picked-up from the Ranchi Airport and they were taken to the Hopsital for the initial check-up of the patient.
Dr. Anant Sinha, the Plastic Surgeon and his Dental Surgery team examined the patient late night yesterday. They have decided to undertake the major surgery of Bone Grafting and Jaw Repair in a single stroke today at 11.30 am. The surgery is complex and may take about 3 hours.
The parents consulted their well-wishers in Afghanistan telephonically (communication facilitated by Jesuit priests) and subsequently agreed and consented for the surgery late night .
After this surgery, she shall have to undergo sessions with the dental surgeon for tooth implant and other features. This process may be soon, or after 3 months, depending on the response and prognosis of the first surgery.
Let us all pray for the success of this noble cause, and wish Dr. Anant Sinha good luck for his procedures today !
Dr. Anant Sinha has performed the major surgery on Nooria today from 11.30 am to 1.30 pm. He said that fortunately the lower jaw-bone was not in such a bad shape, hence bone grafting was not required. He has performed multiple corrective surgeries on her and transplanted some tissue from elsewhere in her body which shall facilitate up and down and sideways movements of her lower jaw.
She shall be under medical supervision for the next ten days, after which the family shall be flown back to Kabul.
After three months, Nooria shall.have to be brought back to India for implant of new teeth.
Fr. Stan and Fr. Ranjit from Delhi accompanied the family to Ranchi.
Dev Kamal Hospital Team and Dr. Anant Sinha were extremely cooperative, supportive and efficient. Today, despite being Vishwakarma Puja, the entire team worked hand in hand for this surgery. Hats off to them.
One unit of O Negative blood shall be transfused to Nooria later today to compensate for her blood loss, as her Hemoglobin level before surgery was slightly low at 10.3 Gms %. Blood was arranged from Guru Nanak Hospital Blood Bank, against which your JAAI President shall make a voluntary blood donation.
Arun Singh is taking very good care of the Afghan family. They were served Biryani, Chicken, Fish and Baghara Baigan for lunch today. Their staple diet consists mostly of non-veg stuff.
Let us all pray for speedy recovery of Nooria.
Nooria, the Afghan Patient has been examined by Dr. Anant Sinha, Plastic Surgeon on the 10th day of surgery. She has been found fit to travel. She has been given a special support to hold her jaw in place (please enlarge and see the following picture); and has been trained with special exercises to start using her jaw for chewing in due course of time. Her dental implants shall be done after 3 months when she comes back to Ranchi, India.
She has left Ranchi today evening by Air Asia Flight at 5.40 pm. The entire team of Air Asia was on attendance to give her special care at the Ranchi Airport.
She shall be sent forward to Afghanistan, Kabul by Jesuit Refugee Services tomorrow.
May GOD Bless all the samaritans who have worked heart and soul for Nooria's well-being !
Best regards.
Dr. Devendra Singh.
President. JAAI.