Remembering Fr. Van, S.J.

The “Faces in Our Midst” – Fr. Dr. Gerard Van Walleghem SJ
A young man who was only 24 when he first came to India, has now spent 63 years in India, most of it in Darjeeling. He left a luxurious life in Canada behind, and choose to come and serve people in India, his fate and our good fortune crossed path, rest as they say is history. This is a simple story of an extraordinary individual – our beloved Fr. Van whose love for Darjeeling and its people is unmatched.
Almost everyone who lives in Darjeeling knows about or has heard of or seen Fr. Van. Not many know that he has lived in India for the past 63 years, almost all of which – other than a few years of training for his priesthood and early postings – he has spent in Darjeeling.
Born as the 7th son of Mr. Jules and Mrs. Eliza Van Walleghem, Fr. Van was born in 1927 into a Belgian family in Winnipeg, Canada. “Right from his earliest childhood he was different than other kids, in that he was always more kind, more compassionate, deeply religious and more considerate than others” – informed Mrs.Yvonne Van Walleghem, his Sister-in-Law when we contacted her for comments on Fr. Van.
He graduated from St. Paul’s school Winnipeg, Canada in 1944 and decided to join the Society of Jesus (SJ) and become a Jesuits Priest. Following the completion of his early trainings and a BA degree from the University of Montreal, Fr. Van decided to dedicate his life to helping the disadvantaged, and to this end, he volunteered for service here in Darjeeling. He arrived in India in January, of 1952 and has lived in Darjeeling most of his adult life.
Father Van has worked as a teacher, counselor, headmaster, vice-rector, and rector at St. Joseph’s College in North Point (both School and College) Darjeeling. In addition to his work at St. Joseph’s, Fr. Van has also been the Head Master of St. Alphonsus High School in Kurseong.
During the 1968 landslide which had devastated pretty much all of Darjeeling. Fr. Van along with Late. Fr. Edward Burns worked tirelessly towards providing relief and rehabilitation to those who had lost their everything in the massive landslide that year. Later their efforts resulted in the formation of one of Darjeeling’s most iconic social-work organization – the Hayden Hall.
When war broke out between India and Pakistan in 1971 (war for the Bangladesh Independence), Fr. Van again tirelessly led the relief efforts in the refugee camps established for Bangladeshi refugees in the foot hills of Darjeeling.
During the 1986-1989 Gorkhaland Andolan ,Fr. Van again provided help, counseling, relief and assisted in provisioning rehabilitation to thousands of our brothers and sisters who suffered during the period.
In 2006 Fr. Van finally started to realize his long cherished dream of starting St. Joseph’s School at Mungpoo. It was his dream to provide quality affordable education to the children in rural Darjeeling, and when he was in a position to start a school, he decided to use a very old and traditional building material – Bamboo.
What sets Mungpoo St. Joseph’s is that the students are not just taught regular school subjects, but they are also imparted vocational education – Students are taught beekeeping, bioorganic farming, planting mushrooms and many more vocations.
For the past few years Fr. Van has been giving spiritual and psychological support to patients and their families in Planters hospital, and despite his failing health, he has continued to serve Darjeeling and its people.
Fr. Van has lived a very simple and content life and is perhaps one of the very few individuals who at the age of 87 years only has ONE REGRET – that is not being an Indian citizen.
It is not that he had not tried to apply for Indian citizenship, but every time he applied, his application has been rejected. It is a shame that despite his unmatched love for India and its people, the Government of India has repeatedly let down Fr. Van by denying him citizenship. Fr. Van recalls that he must have applied to be an Indian citizen almost 10 times, but shockingly enough every time he applied, he was declined by the same individual – some Mr. Chatterjee.
In 1989 when the then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi had visited Darjeeling, Fr. Van was amongst a group of Jesuits priests who were invited to meet the Hon’able PM and when the PM asked what could he do for the Jesuits? they had responded – we want to be Indians. The PM assured the priests that he will personally look into the matter and requested the Jesuits to send in their applications. Fr. Van did… and guess what? After about four months he received a letter saying his application for Indian Citizenship has been rejected – once again the letter was signed by some Mr. Chatterjee.
But not being granted the Indian citizenship has never deterred Fr. Van and his love for Darjeeling and its people has only increased with the passing days. Today he is revered by the people in Darjeeling, and his students who are spread worldwide cherish his presence in their life.
In 2002 the University of Manitoba awarded upon Fr. Gerard A. Van Walleghem, the degree of Doctor of Laws (LLD) honoris causa.
In 2009, the St. Joseph’s Alumni Association felicitated the long, wonderful and dedicated services of both Fr. Van and Fr. Burns.
Fr. Van’s love for Darjeeling can be understood from the fact that in 2012 when Fr. Van travelled to Canada his family insisted that he stay back in Canada, as they were worried that Fr. Van would face health problems due to his old age. Fr. Van flatly refused and his sister-in-law Yvonne informed us that he said, “I want to die in Darjeeling, amongst my people… that is where my heart is… that is where I am meant to be… In Canada I only have you guys [his family]… in Darjeeling I have a whole community…”
Indeed Fr. Van and his love for Darjeeling is second to none, and he is the true embodiment of the “Darjeeling Spirit.” His selfless service to our community, love, care, compassion and tolerance and his deep faith in God has helped bring about real change in our lives, for which Darjeeling and its people will always remain grateful to this humble Son of Darjeeling…
His Janma-bhoomi... might have been Canada… but he made Darjeeling his Karma-bhoomi
He is a true blue Darjeeling Icon!!
R.I.P. Rev. Fr Walleghem Gerard Van SJ passed away this morning around 07.45 . Many of you might know Fr Van. He has served the Darjeeling Jesuit Province under various capacities: as Rector of North Point, Headmaster of St Alphonsus School, Kurseong, P.C.F. and Novice Master of Darjeeling Jesuit Province. He has also served as student counselor and Coordinator for Jesuit Alumni Association. May the good Lord grant him eternal rest.
Sursum Corda!!
[Courtesy: Darjeeling Chronicle]