5th DOX Mega Health Camp 2025

600+ patients, 10 General Physicians, 22 Specialist (Dermatology, Ophthalmology, Gynecologists, Orthopedics, Dentistry, Physiotherapy, Oncology, Pulmonary, Ear-Nose-Throat, Pediatrics, Optometry, Psychiatry, Clinical Psychology, etc.), Live Pathology, real-time dispensation of spectacles for Myopia and Hypermetropia, universal Deworming, free dispensation of all prescription medicines, universal Blood Grouping, universal Glucometry, Diabetes detection, Hypertension detection, Oral Cancer detection, Blood Donation, linking of Super- Senior Citizens with Aayushman Bharat Old Age Health Insurance Scheme, etc. : all under one roof.
More than 100 volunteers shadowed every single patient from the Registration Desk till final disposal after giving them the medicine kits as per prescriptions.
A super-successful event, along wiith launch of TWO DOX-D'tOX events : Noise Pollution Control and E-Waste Recycling Initiatives.
02.02.2025, St. Xavier's School, Doranda, Ranchi, India.