Meeting With Jaipur Alumni and Jesuit Priests on 20th September 2017

Thanks to our GC member and President of the Alumni Association of St. Xavier's Senior Secondary School Jaipur, Dr. Himanshu Sharma for organising a crisp meeting with Jesuit Priests and Alumni members at the School on 20th September.
Your President, along with Harjas Singh, an alumnus of St. Xavier's School, Doranda, Ranchi were at Jaipur, Rajasthan from 18th to 21st.
The meeting scheduled for 5.30 pm on 20th September lasted a good 90 minutes, whereafter we were given a tour of the school campus. Happy to put on record that every corner, every building, every playground and every feature of the School has a contribution from the alumni.
The Jaipur Alumni Association is a vibrant, active and innovative body working for the alma and the society. The Principal is a strong pivot who involves and supports the alumni in all programs of the school.
The Association has a Scholarship corpus fund of about 50 lakhs. It also has a separate Medical Fund to support medical expenses of Class 4 staff of the School worth 8 lakhs. There are about 40 regular and 28 contractual personnel.
The alumni regularly organises quizzes, essay competitions, social events for alumni (families included). Medical checkup camps in villages including general checkups with specialized services in Obs & Gyne, and other faculties of medicine are also keenly organized.
Dr. Devendra appraised the House of JAAI, WUJA and the connection of Alumni Associations with them. He also explained the leadership opportunities available in JAAI and the rotatory system of election of the JAAI President. The School and the Association agreed to use and display the JAAI and WUJA Logos on all their stationery and publicity material. It was also agreed that the School and the Association shall provide links of the JAAI and WUJA websites on their respective websites so that the current and prospective students and their parents may be made aware of the global Jesuit synergies and the strengths of the alumni beyond the alma mater.
The association mentioned that the school's Cricket and Basketball teams regularly tour between Jaipur and Delhi via DOXA which is an example of Zonal JAAI Synergy.
Dr. Devendra Singh impressed upon collaborating for furthering the four major activities of JAAI :
- Blood donation programs - to increase visibility and earn loyalty.
- Environment protection program - preferably in synergy with the existing and ongoing Jesuit programs, details of which are available with Mr. Lourdes Baptista at the Assistancy Office at New Delhi.
- Alumni exchange programs : domestic and international, even in volunteering mode for natural calamities and exigencies.
- Student Exchange Program.
The Principal informed that they have already started the student exchange program with a foreign non-Jesuit School and a domestic student exchange program is also being worked out.
The alumni said that the have been contributing to national emergencies with cash, materials and teams of doctors. Great gesture indeed.
Needless to say that the Alumni Association of St. Xavier's Senior Secondary School was involved in a big way in the 75 Years' Celebrations of the School. The Victorian Gates worth 35 Lakh Rupees are a living testimony to their indulgence and commitment. President Dr. Himanshu and his colleague alumni executives, so also the Principal, Vice Principal, Former Principal and other Jesuits had loads to contribute to the plethora of success stories.
In the end of the meeting, JAAI President honoured the alumni and Jesuits with the JAAI Lapel Pin. In reciprocation, the Alumni Body shared a Seven-a-Side Football Tournament Jersey with him.
JAAI wishes these silent Samaritans all the very best for their future projects.