LESA organized a workshop for the students on "LEADERSHIP AND PUBLIC SPEAKING", on the 17th , 19th and 20th of October 2017 from 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. in the School Hall, Margao. The resource person for the programme was Mr. Jesus Ribeiro. Co-ordinator for the programme was Mr. Denzil Colaco
First of all, I would like to thank the organizers LESA for giving us this wonderful opportunity. Secondly, I would like to thank our Resource person Mr. Jesus Ribeiro, who enlightened us through his amazing and interesting three days session. He was very friendly, humorous and informative. I enjoyed these three day sessions which were very resourceful to me. I appreciate the efforts of LESA and hope they continue such resourceful camps. - Eric Pereira
The Public speaking workshop has helped me to talk more confidently in front of an audience. It will surely help us to perform better for future competitions. I will surely remember these tips for the rest of my life and thank Mr. Jesus Ribeiro for the wonderful workshop. - Nathan Ferrao
The Public Speaking workshop was very helpful to me, as it gave me more confidence in delivering a speech with gestures, eye contact with people and voice modulation. - Keenan Da Costa.
The Public Speaking workshop was very exciting and benefiting. We learned a lot, that is how to speak in Public and how to be good Leaders. We were taught how to use gestures, anecdotes etc. Overall it was a very good new experience. - Shawn Terence Pacheco
I feel that the camp was really good. It has helped me a lot. It has given me confidence to speak in front of an audience. It has helped me to overcome my stage fright a lot. It has given me a number of tips which will surely be taken into account while delivering a speech. - GlenNoronha
It was a really good experience as it helped me learn how to become a good leader and a good public speaker. This taught me, what to do and what not to do while delivering a speech.This was a truly wonderful experience. - Andre Da Silva
The time I spent at the workshop was awesome, interesting and learned how to be a good Leader and a Public speaker. - Alvick Soares
It was a great privilege to be a trainer on Leadership and Public Speaking workshop at Loyola High School Indeed the students were smart and capable of grasping the matter given in the input
sessions.The output of the students was above average with some students being excellent. More such workshops on various other topics is required to upgrade the level of students. Thanks to LESA for organising the workshop. - Jesus Ribeiro
Contributed by Trevor Coutinho LESA Secretary
Denzil Colaco Project Chairman