
The Jesuit Alumni Associations of Bombay Province (JAAB) driven Inter-Jesuit Alumni Independence day football tournament will once again be held at St. Stanislaus High School grounds on 15th August 2015.

We would prefer to have eight teams from the different Jesuit institutions in Mumbai. However if any Jesuit Institution does not field a team we will consider a second team per institution on first come basis subject to maximum 8 teams for the tournament.

Registration: Detailed rules, format  and entry-fee per team to defray the costs will follow soon. Meanwhile get working on putting your team/s together.


Dear Alumni/ae,

Warm greetings from St. Xavier's College, Mumbai!

Its been a long time since I communicated with you and this time it is with the pleasant news of an Alumni Dinner on Sunday, 4th January 2015 at 7.00 pm - where else?? - in the College Hall and Quadrangle!

We will begin with a Mass for Catholics at 6.15 pm in the College Chapel, asking for God's blessings on the larger Xavierite family. Our alumni/ae of other faiths are also invited to witness this ceremony.

This is being organised by the Alumni Association of the College, which is 112 years old - historic, like the College itself!
Please save the date.



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