Campion Old Boys Association, Bhopal (C’OBA) in association with Navankur organised a musical evening ‘ ek sham Rafi ke naam ‘to a jam packed auditorium
Campion Old Boys Association, Bhopal (C’OBA) in association with Navankur organised a musical evening ‘ ek sham Rafi ke naam ‘to a jam packed auditorium
Campion School Old Boys Association Ogranises (COBA) Tree Plantation program for Campion school children under Plant a Tree-Save your Future“ Campaign. This News is published Today mostly in all the leading Hindi and English Newspapers of Bhopal and Surrounding areas.
Campion School Old Boys' Association (C'OBA) and "Navankur" Music Group Present
Musical Night: "Ek Sham Rafi Ke Naam"
Date :31st July 2018, Tuesday
Time : 7pm Sharp
Venue : Campion School Arera Colony Auditorium. All Are Co-ordially Invited.
Campions school Old Boys Association (COBA) organized "Surmanthan"a musical extravanza on Sunday 01-November2015 at the Campion School, auditorium in Bhopal
Over 700 attended an evening of nostalgic music from Hindi cinema over the years performed by music artist Shri Rajiv Singh.
Campion School Bhopal was established in 1965 The school began its Golden Jubilee celebrations on December 1, 2014 in the school campus under the enthusiastic leadership of school principal, Dr. Father Athnas Lakra, S.J.
The Golden Jubilee celebration commenced with a Holy Eucharistic Celebration Mass at 7.00 am in the St. Edmond Campion Church. The mass was conducted by the Arch Bishop of Bhopal diocese, Dr. Leo Cornelio, SVD. This was followed by the installation and blessings of the statues of St. Edmund Campion, S.J., patron saint of Campion School, Fr. E.F. More, S.J., founder principal of Campion, St. Ignatius of Loyola, S.J., founder of the Society of Jesus and St. Francis Xavier, S.J., co-founder of the Society of Jesus.