Rev. Dr. Fr. Ranjit Tigga SJ was very kind to invite your JAAI President to spend a full day with the Xavier Institute Alumni Association Jabalpur, the alumni/ae body of Xavier Institute of Development Action and Studies (XIDAS), a premier Jesuit Management and Social Development Institute. It was the Alumni/ae Day of the Institute on 2nd December and I was their Chief Guest and Main Speaker. All Alumni/ae, all existing students of the Institution and all the pass-outs of Sessions 2015-17 and 2016-18 were in audience.
Scope and extent of Alumni Services, National and Global Networking, and Leadership Opportunities with JAAI and WUJA were discussed at length. JAAI President presented JAAI Lapel Pins to their Director, Alumni Leaders, Alumni Mentor and Dean of Students, as a token of honour and as an indication of welcome to join hands with JAAI.