The 16th JAAI - South Zone Jesuit Alumni Congress was held at St Aloysius College (Autonomous), Mangaluru in Karnataka from 27-28 May 2022.The theme ‘Accompanying Youth in the Creation of a Hope Filled Future'. Organisers, speakers and delegates from five provinces came together in exploring different aspects to echo the Motto of the Jesuit Alumni Association of India (JAAI), that is ‘To give and not to count the cost’.
The inauguration ceremony was highlighted by release of the book on 'St Ignatius of Loyola cannon Balled to Sainthood' marking the Ignatian Year authored by Prof. Edmund Frank.
The registration counters opened at Gelge Hall by 1.30 PM on 27th of May 2022. There was an overwhelming response from five
provinces – Karnataka, Kerala, Madurai, Chennai, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Twenty five Jesuit Priests among 168 delegates participated in this event.