At St. Xavier’s College PalayamKottai (Centenary celebrant) with Rev.Dr.Maridos SJ.Principal, Mr. Kumar Vembu founder of Gofrugal ERP Software and co-founder of Zoho Software. Extreme right Ms. Sylvia-Chairperson Tuticorin Zone Young Indians (YI)-Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) .On to the left of Rev.Fr.Mariadoss SJ CA.S.Chenthilkumar President of Jesuit Alumni Associations of India(JAAI)and C. Pradeep Chairperson Trichy Zone-YI-CII on 10th Aug2022 at St. Xavier’s College Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu for an ice-breaking session to discuss about Industry academia tie-up and collaboration.